


Unknown 0:07
All right.
So this is a question from someone that so imagine I'm that person asking the question.
Every time I go out with my unvaccinated my decision looks at donalda research. And I've decided, I'm not going to vaccinate my little four year old boy, every time and everywhere I go, the pro vaxxers accused me of putting their child in harm's way because of herd immunity.
What? How can I respond to this? In the best way?

Forrest 0:40
The best way, meaning they're still your friend at the end,

Unknown 0:45
cares, they want to be intelligent enough to not you know, they're not medical, they want to be able to answer back in a short way that sorts around.

suznne 0:58
Wow, you know, everybody, everybody's always asking for the cliffnotes.
And the short way to answer things.
And you know, one of the problems with the pro vaccine is that they have sound bites, and the two sound bites that from the very beginning, I have been working to answer our What about polio, and we have to preserve herd immunity.
And those are their two weapons.
So when it comes to herd immunity, you know, when they say that, that is making a very complicated thing into something way too simple.
And so the first answer has to be that is a total oversimplification, you know, and it's religion on the back of ignorance.
And you need to go do some research and understand that your child is vaccinated and perhaps even formula fed is actually a risk to my child. Because there are lots of things that you can do with your kid like feeding them properly, giving them breast milk, and letting them sleep well, that's going to make them shed influenza viruses.
Last, if you're giving your child a fever reducer, you've actually you're spreading disease more than my child
because I would never give a fever reducer to my child so your your fever reduced Tylenol child is actually spreading flu far more than my child will my unvaccinated child is actually going to have cell mediated immunity that's going to be able to fight the disease efficiently and quickly where your child is going to not only get sicker, from flu, but from other diseases,
and also next year be more susceptible to pandemic influenza.
So you need to do your research and understand really what the what the sound bites of the CDC and your doctor have have behind them.
And what the knowledge and the research that I've done to not vaccinate my child has behind it before you start being so judgmental.
Because the fact is that some and Forrest has covered this in one of his videos, but just look at the toxoid vaccines, the pertussis vaccine and the diphtheria vaccine, tetanus vaccine, those are toxoid vaccines, they don't do anything for herd immunity whatsoever.
Those those viruses and bacteria will still be circulating no matter how many vaccines people get there was it was not even in the blueprint of the design to take care of herd immunity.
So the herd immunity thing is a weapon.
And it's really a stupid weapon.
You know, there's some truth to it, there's always some truth to what the pro vaccine say. But there's a larger truth that makes that small truth.
Actually, it makes it unimportant in some ways.

Unknown 3:22
But also on that Suzanne, just gonna sort of pop in here.
vaccinations promote a humoral response, herd immunity can only really be across the population through an innate immune response.
So because that gives you much longer immunity from the dis the disease that you supposedly are getting through inoculation, which cause antibody responses only for like two to 10 years.
So let's say you have humoral response as a result of vaccinations, and there's no guarantee that you're going to get an antibody response. That's why they pump these things full of aluminium.
So let's say that you don't get an antibody response, but you think that you're protected. So a vaccinated individual, the only way you're going to find out whether that child has got an aunt had an antibody response is to do a titer.
So the parent could be jabbing their kids thinking, yeah, my kid is now immune, yet they pick up the disease or the illness as a result of a lack of antibodies being produced from the vaccine.
So this whole herd immunity and this efficacy of vaccination is backwards from the get go.

Unknown 4:41
Well, yes, and no.
Again, it's another oversimplification that the anti vaccine has done is to say that, oh, vaccines only make antibody.
Yes, there's there's partial truth to that.
But if you look at the MMR vaccine, that's a live viral vaccine. So if you if you inject a live viral vaccine, you're going too, it's more similar to the actual infection than it is when you inject a toxoid or a particle from the microbe which is, and when you tack aluminum or aluminium onto it, then you are going to provide more of a th two bias.
But if you give a measles vaccine, you're going to give that child a th one bias.
And if anyone watches the the talks that I did in Scandinavia last year, I get really into this about which vaccines are more th one bias, which vaccines are th two bias how the immune system changes after one set, and you can change it back with another set.
But the bottom line is that nothing is as good as far as duration and, and reproducibility is having an actual measles infection.
But you can get a measles injection and it can last you 20 or 30 years. But they're two to 10% of people that never respond at all.
And that's what you're talking about.
You're saying you you're you're happy because your child is vaccinated.
And if I vaccinate My child, you'd be all content.
But the fact of the matter is that my child has a two to 10% chance of not responding at all to that vaccine.
And the other truth in what you're saying is that when it comes to say influenza vaccines, and this is why I need to record my herd immunity talk is because influenza vaccines give a humoral response exclusively a humoral response, which actually see this it's not like th two is bad.
It's not like th one is good. You know, God made us have both of them for a reason they both have they work with each other and they both have purposes and the th two humoral responses is lasting that happens during infection, it feeds back and says to the cell mediated to CDA cells, okay, we're good.
Now if we've got our memory, we can shut down.
And now we'll remember this when it comes to flu shots, that feedback actually interferes with any chance of that child or that adult actually having memory immunity for the next year, which means that they're more susceptible to pandemic, which means that they're screwing up, you know, the the herd protection in a big way.
So, absolutely.

Forrest 6:53
So, can I say something about the herd immunity?
Are we still on that?
Are we gonna do another?
Oh, no, it's fine. I think, as always, my answer is going to be much lower level than then this genius over here.
Anyway, that question always comes from the assumption like she was indicating that every vaccine works the same way.
And it always comes with the assumption that every vaccine works.
That if you can get people over that hump, you're halfway there to say, half the vaccines do not contribute to the theory of herd immunity by design, they just don't do it.
The ones that do you never know if they work or not, you can do a titer.
And even that is not a true indicator of whether it's actually going to protect you if you get an infection or not. Jab me if I'm wrong.
Okay, she jabbed me. It's not always an indication, is it?

Unknown 7:46
What an example of that? No, no, because

suznne 7:48
even the natural infection, they say, well, you might not have titers for measles.
But if we rechallenge you, you're gonna have memories.
Yes, titers are not everything. And that's a marker for something that happened,
but they're not necessary.

Forrest 8:00
So let me just twist the question here,
because I've actually been talking to somebody in California about this.
You know, we have this law in California where you know,
you have if you want your kids to come to school,
they have to be vaccinated with these with these shots.
As far as I can tell, I've been doing some research into this.
There is no law that if your kid has an active measles infection, there is no law preventing you from sending your kid to school.
Okay, I don't know.
Maybe I'm wrong. Have you heard about this?
Have you heard of a law?
I haven't heard of a law?
We've I've looked into it.
I haven't found it yet.
So why is there not a law that says if your kid has measles,
you can't send them to school?
Wouldn't that be, you know, more of a barrier to spreading disease,

Unknown 8:43
but times are changing?
Because I mean, now now, the measles has changed from when I was a little girl where we used to go to parties and catch it and now it's gone to it's deadly, deadly dangerous.
And so it becomes, according to the CDC, a matter of public health and times are changing.
So now they are saying that with this new CDC thing is that if your little Tommy goes in with measles is a public health issue.
So school gets clamped down and comes to CDC, military and everyone gets vaccinated as a precaution. That is what is about to happen.
If not, oh, yeah.

Forrest 9:16
Oh, yeah, I think so.
I guess my point was that so much of herd immunity could happen with a lot of other things like isolation, quarantine, nutrition, all of these things that that seemed to have stopped the spread of disease in the past.
Those were very effective tools at protecting the herd.
I just think vaccination is an attempt to protect the herd is is a really like a last ditch effort to save the original concept of vaccination.
I did a bunch of research into this herd immunity video I just did. And my take on herd immunity was it it was theorized from measles outbreaks in Baltimore in the 1930s.
And the reason they even brought it up, and this is just my opinion, this is not an incredible thing.
And this is my opinion.
I haven't run it by her Roman or anyone.
My opinion was, people were down on the polio vaccine when this article came out in the polio vaccine wasn't working as well as they thought this is when that the guys article came out the Chicago Tribune that everybody quotes all the time,
people were down on the polio vaccine,
and they were coming out with a measles vaccine,
and they were trying to convince people, no, we can vaccinate measles,
and it doesn't take everyone it's only it's not going to take this massive polio effort nationwide,
we're not going to have to do that.
All we have to do is vaccinate maybe 20%, maybe 30%.
And we can eradicate measles.
That's, that's my shot with one shot.
That was my my take on herd immunity was basically a response to everyone was so glad polio seemed to be on the wane. But they don't want to do another nationwide rollout of a whole vaccine.
They're not going to do that because people didn't want to do it.
They were thinking maybe the polio vaccine wasn't working.
So that was the initial herd immunity concept was we can eradicate measles, if we only vaccinate just a few because when only a fewer if 55% or whatever the initial percentage was were vaccinated,
then the disease goes away.
It didn't work, obviously. So herd immunity has been hijacked into something else because the initial reason for it didn't work.
Now, obviously, I'm of the opinion, it's not working. Now with 95% vaccination, you still see outbreaks we've had, we've had enough vaccination for long enough that it should have worked.
I can't understand how health officials cannot consider it an abject failure.
You know, at what point do you say it is a failure?
I would love to draw a line in the sand and say, okay, I'd 99% for 10 years,
if we are still having measles outbreaks, will then will you consider a failure, then?
I don't know what their answer would be.
But somehow there's got to be some metric around Yes, it worked, or No, it doesn't.
I mean, the reality is, No, it won't, they'll just say more boosters, they'll say people are under immunized, or we need a new vaccine, which is I guess that is

suznne 12:15
what they're saying now, you know, they basically keep settling for less and less.
So in the beginning, they thought we're gonna get rid of this once and for all, we're never gonna have to deal with it again.
And then they said, Okay, we're gonna have to deal with it.
But the more injections we give, the better we're gonna we're gonna do with this, so we're not going to get rid of it.
So now, what we're going to do what herd immunity means now is that you know, your kid who has cancer or grandma, who you know, who's frail and infirm, or your newborn baby, we all have to take our vaccines and subject are healthy kids, these vaccines loaded to protect these little, you know that I think they make them the red sheep inside of the herd immunity diagrams now.
So now it's no longer about eradication, they've, they've pretty much ditched eradication, because even Gregory Pollan says, it is not possible to eradicate measles with this vaccine.
So they're developing inhaled vaccines that they're hoping to give to even newborn babies at some point in the future.
So now we're settling for we have to protect the sick people who most most of whom, except for the very newborn babies, we have made sick and vulnerable because of the medical system.
But I'll also make an argument that the newborn babies are susceptible because those mothers didn't have a natural, natural immunity to measles, which used to provide between one and a half to two years of immunity.
And now if you're lucky, it's three months.
So they do just keep shifting, shifting the sands and making excuses to keep jabbing and jabbing more and more and more all the time, which is really the reason that we're all so upset, because, you know, it's one thing to say one vaccine to a group of people, my parents said, Okay, that sounds that sounds agreeable.
We'll give her the vaccine at age five. And now we're told that we have to start between six months to one year depending on who you are, and that we have to go from cradle to grave pretty much and that's just completely unacceptable.

Forrest 13:54
The new measles vaccine, they're talking about developing it. Is that Sorry, I'm asking is that because are they admitting the efficacy of the current one is not good, or it doesn't last long enough?
Or they just is it sort of admitting that it's a failure?

suznne 14:08
I mean, again, this is why I need to record my herd immunity talk because over in China, not only are the Chinese Chinese have a 99% vaccination uptake rate, okay, they don't exemptions are not a phenomenon there.
And so what's happening there is not only are they having outbreaks having, you know, 100,000 cases per year in China, but something even worse is happening which is called vaccine viral vaccine escape, which means that how the blood is conditioned to fight the virus isn't good enough and because of that, it's like taking an antibiotic you know, how a microbe how how bacteria can shift its genetics to outsmart your your immunity to an antibiotic Well, the the viruses now there, I believe it's called like the H one strain or something like that is actually out outsmarts the blood immunity, and it took a long time for this to happen, but it's happening in First, because there's just so much more dynamic, so many more people, so many so much more circulation. So we are starting to see the beginnings of that.
And so there's that problem.
But there's also the problem that's now admitted that within 20 to 30 years, if you've had a good vaccine uptake, your vaccine is no longer effective.
So even if we all took it, there would be between, like I said, two to 10% of people who will not respond.
They're called primary non responders.
And then you have your secondary vaccine failures.
And so between all of that, it's just so Gregory Poland's, who's one of the chief facts and ologists. spokesperson, he's the he's the editor in chief of vac of vaccine journal is saying that this, it's impossible to eradicate the microbe with this vaccine, no matter how many uptake no matter what the uptake rate is.
And so really, the problem is that you're injecting you're giving injected immunity for a microbe that naturally comes in through the respiratory system.
And so that's really the problem and they're starting to recognize that which is why they tried making the inhaled influenza vaccine and we we all know how well that went.
And so now there's research into making inhaled pertussis vaccines and inhaled measles vaccines

Forrest 16:11
The last thing about herd immunity I'll say is it's what you indicated Polly that the the fear of some of these diseases is so unjustified I mean, you know, you read these articles of you've linked to a quote Okay, it was an older article where mothers would say after a measles infection my child seems so vigorous and their health seems to have improved and and there's there's so much dynamic going on to this infection.
The timing of this I know Dr. Wakefield has talked about this stuff where all herd immunity is done is and vaccination has done as adjust the window of infection into these inopportune moments when everything seemed to basically had you know settled at a good timing you know, mumps is is okay at this point in your life, but in this point your life it's really bad.
So I think the misunderstanding of disease itself, forget the vaccines, people just don't understand the disease anymore, that you know, they've got this insane fear of measles.
And I know everyone here has talked about it. I did an episode five about it on the Brady Bunch.
Yeah, you can see people didn't, they didn't fear it. It was nothing.
I mean, there's another there's a Flintstones episode about I mean, it was a joke. It was it was a complete joke.

Unknown 17:29
Still ebooks. And when I was younger was

Unknown 17:32
like coloring, the rashes on

Unknown 17:33
the elephant and everyone just chilled out and had a bit of measles and stayed quiet for a few days.
Let's get this thought. Let's move on to fear.

suznne 17:41
I was just gonna say something.
And it has to do with fear and the evolution of fear.
The shifting sands of fear also happen when it comes to measles. Because, you know, it used to be that we just wanted to get rid of measles because it was inconvenient.
And then we heard you know that we wanted to get rid of measles because kids could get encephalitis from it.
And now, the newest thing is, well, yeah, you know, your kid might do fine after having measles, but your neighbor's kid could get encephalitis subacute sclerosing pan encephalitis called SSP.
And that's the reason why we all have to vaccinate for and I'll get come back to that in a minute. But then now there's a new thing that came on.
It's it's actually a complete lie. And it's there was an article published. And it was, it was a collaboration between the United States Department of Homeland Security and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which should scare everybody to the bones to know that there's a collaboration between those two.
And so what this what this article talked about was that, while your child might do might do okay with the measles after they're infected, in the next 18 months, your child is more susceptible to dying from non measles infections,
because their immune system to other than to the memory of everything that they've been vaccinated for urban infected before has a chance of being completely wiped out. It's an immunological lie.
And I've been through this in a in a talk called I forget in Copenhagen.
No, I'll think of it in a minute.
And manufactured consent.
And so so they keep you know, jumping from one potential fear factor to another.
So this is just the latest one, but the interesting when it comes to SSP, and I think you should have Dr. Wakefield talk about this when he's back is that there's actually no record keeping for the amount of SSP before the measles vaccine was invented until there was a lot of sspe that happened in the period where the measles vaccines began.
Of course, those vaccines were horrific, horrendous for lots of reasons I don't have time to get into and the virus was circulating.
So people were getting inundated with injected viruses and natural viruses at the same time.
And so SSP was a problem, but they're using SSP. subacute sclerosing pan encephalitis is a devastating 100% deadly disease. If your child gets it, your child's going to die very quickly, usually within a couple of years, maybe three to five years.
Although If you've gotten that after a vaccine, the child dies much quicker, which is kind of an interesting thing.
But they always say, Well, yeah, that child was vaccinated after they had the natural infection.
So the natural infection did it.
But actually, the vaccine sends them to the grave much quicker.
And so it's basically it's a brain disorder, where the brain just shuts down. The kids just degenerate, it's a horrible thing.
You wouldn't want it to happen to anybody.
But in my opinion, it's due to the immune system not processing the virus properly. And so again, wouldn't it be great if the CDC was as advanced and aggressive on nutrition from cradle to grave, and then with pregnant women, and actually understood nutrition at all,
because that would make a big difference in sspe, because the immune systems will be handling and processing that virus much better as they are, when it comes to vaccinating anything with a heartbeat.

Forrest 20:51
I could see the this.
I'm gonna call it the immunological reboot.
It's the thing you did with the the studies in Africa where they were right that that whole thing with the the measles, erasing any immunological memory that you had, I could see that totally becoming the next herd immunity,
it'll come a sound bite now it's become one and it won't be just measles,
it'll blow into this thing where they'll do some research.
And they'll figure out that, well, if you get any of these diseases,
if you get mumps, then your immune system is starting from scratch,
you're basically a neonate and you need to start from scratch and get the entire vaccine schedule started over again, you're basically zero, I could just see them, turning it into something like that.
I used to would have raised my eyebrow and say,
No, they won't ever do that.
But I think the way they've twisted herd immunity, I mean, even me, that's all I ever grew up was hearing it as a protect the weak

Unknown 21:43
hands, you know, in a certain way.
And you know, like I said, there's a partial truth to

Forrest 21:47
the whole Oh, yeah, that's I didn't talk about that.
But yes, people always get confused.
If you talk to someone a very pro vaccine person.
And you you question herd immunity, they immediately tweak their head?
And because it makes sense it if then this is what am I missing medical school lecture video, if the vaccine worked, and if it worked forever?
If it worked for everyone, I'll say. And if it worked forever, then herd immunity works similarly to net natural herd immunity.
But when the vaccine doesn't work for everyone, and it doesn't last for very long, then the herd immunity concept falls apart.
So herd immunity as a theory is perfectly valid. I think what the the health officials saw in Baltimore was totally true.
I think they they did all the studies, they saw the the spread and how it ended based on a certain thing totally happens. totally true.
I have no problem with that.
When it's a vaccine driven herd immunity, that's when it doesn't work.
That's people always get hung up.
When you say herd immunity.
It's not working.
It's like you it's like you saying two plus two is not four.
They're like, wait a minute, no, I get it. It makes sense.

suznne 22:55
Should we review what we're herd immunity came from?
Just give me three minutes to kind of review that because it's actually really interesting and important.
But this guy named Dr. Hedrick in Baltimore, in the 1930s, was basically tracking the dynamics of measles.
And what he found was that by the age of 15, to 20, that between 95 and 99% of the population has experienced measles and had lifelong immunity.
And that in the childhood population below the age of 15, that whenever the susceptibility rate went up to 50%, that there would be an outbreak. And that 15% of the children would become infected with measles.
So it wasn't like you imagined and like we're being told that whole classrooms were home with measles, it was 15% of the childhood population.
So then the susceptibility rate would go down to 35%.
And then the outbreaks would stop so basically fluctuated between this 35 and 50% mark and so the children were kind of slowly you know, getting measles recovering from it and becoming part of the immune herd.
So that's really herd immunity was being well established, the mothers were being and adults are being re exposed again to the to the virus, they are getting natural boosters.
And so those mothers had really strong blood immunity that they could pass through the placenta, which actually protected those babies better than even an early vaccine today could.
So that's really where the herd immunity kind of concept was born in that way and actually tracked and so yeah, it was pretty much hijacked into if we vaccinate enough people, we'll be able to protect whoever we want to justify protecting

不明 0:07
ワクチンを接種していない子を連れて出かけるたびに、私の決断はドナルダの研究を見ています。ワクチンを打つつもりはないと 決めました 4歳の小さな男の子に行くたびに ワクチンを打つ人たちは 群集免疫のせいで 子供を危険な目に遭わせていると 私を非難しました

フォレスト 0: 40

不明 0:45

スザンヌ 0:58
私は決して子供に熱を下げる薬を与えないので、あなたの熱を下げたタイレノールの子供は実際に私の子供よりもはるかに多くのインフルエンザを蔓延させています 私のワクチンを接種していない子供は実際に細胞を媒介とした免疫を持っています それは効率的かつ迅速に病気と戦うことができるようになるでしょう それはあなたの子供がインフルエンザだけでなく、他の病気から病気になるだけではありません。

未知 3:22
例えば、抗体反応が出なかったとしても、自分は守られていると思っているとしましょう。ワクチン接種を受けた子供が 抗体反応を持っているかどうかを 知る唯一の方法は 力価測定をすることです

未知 4:41
あなたは子供が予防接種を受けたから 幸せだと言っているのですね
片方が良いというわけでもない。神は理由があって両方の体液性反応を 持つようにしたのです 互いに協力し合って目的を持っていて 感染時に起こる2つの体液性反応は 持続しています
インフルエンザの予防接種を受けた時に 覚えておきましょう このフィードバックは 子供や大人が翌年の記憶免疫を 持っている可能性を 妨げることになります つまり、パンデミックにかかりやすくなり 群集の保護を大きく台無しにしてしまうのです

フォレスト 6:53
彼女は私を刺した 必ずしも指標になるとは限らないんだよね。

不明 7:46

スザンヌ 7:48

フォレスト 8: 00
彼らはこれらの注射で 予防接種を受けなければなりません
間違ってるかも 聞いたことある?

不明 8:43
私が子供の頃はパーティーに行ってはしかを捕まえていましたが 今では、はしかは命に関わる危険なものになっています

フォレスト 9:16
彼らがそれを持ち出した理由は これは私の意見ですが これは信じられないことではありません
私たちがしなければならないのは ワクチンを接種することです たぶん20%か30%です
これは私が考えた集団免疫の考え方です。基本的には、みんながポリオの流行が衰退していることを喜んでいたことへの反応です。でも全国的にワクチンを 普及させたくないんだ
明らかにうまくいかなかった 群集免疫は別のものに 乗っ取られてしまったのです 最初の理由がうまくいかなかったからです
私の意見では効果はないと思います 95%のワクチン接種では、まだ集団発生が見られます。十分なワクチン接種をしてきたので、効果があったはずです。

最初の頃は、これをきっぱりと片付けようと思っていました もう二度とこの件には対処しなくてもいいと思っていました
そして、彼らは言ったんです オーケー、対処しなければならないと
彼らは吸入ワクチンを開発しています 将来的には新生児にも投与することを 望んでいます
今、私たちは病気の人たちを守らなければならないということに落ち着きました 生まれたばかりの赤ちゃんを除いて、ほとんどの人たちが 医療システムのせいで病気になり、脆弱になっているのです
しかし、私はまた、新生児は影響を受けやすいという 議論もします 母親が麻疹に対する自然な免疫を 持っていなかったからです
5歳の時にワクチンを打とう 今では、6ヶ月から1年の間に接種しなければならないと言われていますが、人によっては、ゆりかごから墓場までの間に接種しなければなりません。

フォレスト 13:54
新しい麻疹ワクチンを 開発しようとしています それは、現在のワクチンの有効性を認めているからなのでしょうか、それとも効果が十分に持続しないからなのでしょうか?

suznne 14:08
そこで何が起きているのかというと、アウトブレイクが起きているだけでなく、中国では年間10万人が感染していますが、さらに悪いことが起きています。どのように微生物がどのように細菌がどのようにその遺伝学をシフトすることができます 抗生物質に対するあなたの免疫力を打ち負かすために さて、今そこにあるウイルスは、私はそれがH1株か何かのように呼ばれていると信じています 実際には血液免疫力を打ち負かしています これが起こるまでに長い時間がかかりましたが、それは第一に起こっています なぜなら、より多くのダイナミックな、より多くの人々が、より多くの循環があるからです だから私たちはその始まりを見始めています。

フォレスト 16:11
病気そのものに対する誤解です ワクチンのことは忘れてください 人々はもう病気を理解していません 麻疹に対する非常識な恐怖心を 持っているのです
ここにいるみんながそのことについて 話しているのは知っています 私はブレイディ・バンチの第5話でそれについて話しました
ああ、みんなが怖がっていなかったのがわかるだろう 何でもなかった

不明 17:29

不明 17:32

不明 17:33

スザンヌ 17:41
それから私たちは知っていると思いますが はしかをなくしたいと思っていました なぜなら子供たちがはしかで脳炎になるからです
それがワクチンを接種しなければ ならない理由です すぐにその話に戻ります でも今、新しいものが出てきました
それは完全な嘘です 論文が発表されました それは、米国国土安全保障省とビル・アンド・メリンダ・ゲイツ財団の 共同研究です この2つの間に共同研究があることを知って 皆を怖がらせるべきです
なぜなら彼らの免疫システムは都市感染の前に ワクチン接種を受けた全ての記憶以外には 完全に全滅する可能性があるからです 免疫学的には嘘です
ワクチンの後に感染した場合は 子供はもっと早く死ぬ 興味深いことですが
脳の障害で、脳がシャットダウンするんだ 子供は退化していく恐ろしいことだ
しかし、私の意見では、免疫システムが ウィルスを適切に処理していないのが原因です。CDCが先進的で 積極的な栄養管理をしてくれたら 素晴らしいと思いませんか? ゆりかごから墓場まで 妊婦さんの栄養管理にも
それはspeの大きな違いを作るだろうからです 免疫システムが処理して処理するからです そのウイルスをより良く処理するためには 心臓の鼓動で何でもワクチンを接種することになるからです

フォレスト 20:51
それが、このような事に発展して、 研究が行われるようになるでしょう

名無しさん 21:43

フォレスト 21:47
彼らはすべての研究をして 拡散を見たと思う あることに基づいて それがどのように終わったのか 完全に真実だ

スザンヌ 22:55
3分だけでいいから復習させてよ だって本当に興味深くて重要なことだからね
1930年代にボルチモアの ヘドリック博士という人が 麻疹の動態を追跡していました
彼が発見したのは 15歳から20歳までに 人口の95%から99%の人が 麻疹を経験し 生涯免疫を持っているということでした
そして、15歳以下の幼児期の人口では、感受性率が50%になると必ず大流行が起こることを発見しました。15%の子供たちが 麻疹に感染することになります
そうすると 感染率は35%まで下がります